Happy Birthday to my baby Sister


You’re the best sister that any brother could ask for. You’ve always been there for me no matter what. You have a heart of gold, just like Mama. I hope you know how much I love you and how blessed I am to have you as my sister. You are such a giving person, so selfless. They’re not many people like you in this world. I hope you realize that. You’re a true gem, beautiful and pure. You’re strength is boundless and so is your love. Not to mention what a wonderful Mother you are to those three beautiful angels. You’re just like Mama in so many ways and that’s one of them.

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We’ve been through a lot together. Lots of ups and downs. I’m thankful to have you by my side. I look back on many fond memories like playing in the corn crib that Mom made into a home to fixing up the creek down the street. As well as playing McDonalds from the bathroom window with BJ, and playing the game as well. I can’t remember if it was McDs or BK? You were more than my sister, you are my friend. It’s nice to be able to look back to our childhoods and see the good memories like free-falling from the top of the bunk bed with Christina Freeman to the many vacations up north. These memories are gems to me and I hold them dear to my heart. We were the three musketeers.


You’ve blossomed into such a warrior queen and I’m so proud to call you my sister. I hope you have a very special birthday. Thank you for everything you do. I love you with all my heart. I hope you day is just as fabulous as you are. You will always be my baby sister.

Love and Huggs,


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